Below is a copy of my class schedule throughout my academic career. This is provided for the benefit of fellow students at Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, or George Mason University Law, as well as for anyone interested in a career in patent law. While class requirements will likely have changed in the interim, this schedule can serve as a guide for what courses are likely to be required of you.
Jump to: W.T. Woodson High School | Virginia Tech | Georgia Tech | George Mason Law
W.T. Woodson High School
Advanced Placement Credit - Accepted by Virginia Tech
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
Junior Year AP Credits: | ||
HIST 1115 | United States History | 3 |
CS 1044 | Introduction to Programming in C | 3 |
CS 2574 | Introduction to Data Structures and Software Engineering | 3 |
Senior Year AP Credits: | ||
BIOL 1005 | General Biology I | 3 |
BIOL 1006 | General Biology II | 3 |
BIOL 1015 | General Biology Lab I | 1 |
BIOL 1016 | General Biology Lab II | 1 |
ENGL 1105 | Freshman English I | 3 |
ENGL 1106 | Freshman English II | 3 |
PSCI 1014 | United States Government | 3 |
MATH 1205 | Calculus I | 3 |
Total | 29 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Fall 1999
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
CHEM 2984 | Chemistry Lab for Engineers | 1 |
CHEM 2984 | Chemistry Lecture for Engineers | 3 |
EF 1015 | Engineering I | 2 |
HST 1504 | Introduction to Humanities Science and Technology | 3 |
GEOL 1024 | Resource Geology | 3 |
MATH 1206 | Calculus II | 3 |
MATH 1224 | Vector Geometry | 2 |
Total | 17 |
Spring 2000
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
EF 1016 | Introduction to Engineering II | 2 |
PHYS 2305 | Foundation of Physics I with Lab | 4 |
EF 1574 | Object Oriented Problem Solving with C++ | 3 |
FA 2004 | Creativity and Aesthetic Experience | 1 |
HST 3105 | Science & Technology in Modern Society | 3 |
MATH 2224 | Multivariable Calculus | 3 |
MATH 1114 | Elementary Linear Algebra | 2 |
Total | 18 |
Fall 2000
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
ECPE 2504 | Introduction to Computer Engineering | 3 |
MATH 2214 | Differential Equations | 3 |
PHYS 2306 | Foundation of Physics II with Lab | 4 |
CS 2704 | Object Oriented Design | 3 |
MATH 2534 | Discrete Math | 3 |
ECPE 2004 | Electrical Engineering Circuits and Networking | 3 |
Total | 19 |
Spring 2001
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
CS 2604 | Data Structures and File Management | 3 |
ECPE 2204 | Electronics I | 3 |
ECPE 2274 | Electrical Engineering Circuits Laboratory | 1 |
ECPE 2704 | Signals and Systems | 3 |
ECPE 3504 | Digital Design I | 4 |
ENGL 3764 | Technical Writing | 3 |
ISE 2014 | Engineering Economy | 2 |
ESM 4404 | Fundamentals of Professional Engineering | 2 |
Total | 21 |
Fall 2001
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
MATH 3134 | Applied Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Technical Elective) | 3 |
ECE 4514 | Digital Design II (Design Technical Elective) | 4 |
ECE 3204 | Electronics II | 3 |
ECE 3274 | Electronics Lab | 1 |
ECE 4535 | Microprocessor System Design | 4 |
STAT 4714 | Probability and Statistics for Electrical Engineers | 3 |
Total | 18 |
Spring 2002
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
ESM 2104 | Statics (Engineering Science Elective) | 3 |
ECE 4536 | Advanced Microprocessors (Design Technical Elective) | 4 |
ECE 4504 | Computer Organization | 3 |
ECE 4984 | SS: Wearable & Ubiquitous Computers (Design Technical Elective) | 3 |
MATH 4574 | Vector/Complex Analysis | 3 |
CS 3204 | Operating Systems | 3 |
CS 1604 | Introduction to the Internet | 1 |
Total | 20 |
Total credits upon graduation | 142 |
Graduation degree:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Minor in Mathematics
Minor in Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
Fall 2002
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
ECE 6100 | Advanced Computer Architecture | 3 |
ECE 6140 | Digital Systems Testing | 3 |
ECE 6430 | Digital MOS ICs | 3 |
ECE 8997 | Teaching Assistantship (Marker Course) | 9 |
Total | 9 |
Spring 2003
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
CS 6230 | High Performance Parallel Computing | 3 |
ECE 6101 | Parallel & Distributed Computer Architecture | 3 |
ECE 6130 | Advanced VLSI Systems | 3 |
ECE 8998 | Research Assistantship (Marker Course) | 9 |
Total | 9 |
Summer 2003
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
CS 4400 | Introduction to Database Systems | 3 |
ECE 3075 | Random Signals | 3 |
ECE 8998 | Research Assistantship (Marker Course) | 7 |
Total | 6 |
Fall 2003
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
CS 4451 | Computer Graphics | 3 |
ECE 6607 | Computer Communication Networks | 3 |
ECE 8843 | Special Topic: Network Security | 3 |
ECE 8998 | Research Assistantship (Marker Course) | 9 |
Total | 9 |
Total credits upon graduation | 33 |
Graduation degree:
Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering
George Mason University School of Law
Fall 2004
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 096 | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis I | 2 |
LAW 110 | Torts I | 3 |
LAW 102 | Contracts I | 3 |
LAW 108 | Economic Foundations of Legal Studies | 3 |
Total | 11 |
Spring 2005
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 097 | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis II | 2 |
LAW 111 | Torts II | 3 |
LAW 103 | Contracts II | 3 |
LAW 112 | Civil Procedure | 4 |
Total | 12 |
Summer 2005
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 099 | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis IV - Legal Drafting | 2 |
Total | 2 |
Fall 2005
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 098 | Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis III - Appellate Writing | 2 |
LAW 121 | Constitutional Law I | 4 |
LAW 104 | Property | 4 |
LAW 284 | Patent Law I | 2 |
Total | 12 |
Spring 2006
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 116 | Administrative Law | 3 |
LAW 158 | Constitutional Law II | 2 |
LAW 106 | Criminal Law | 3 |
LAW 292 | Patent Law II | 2 |
LAW 268 | Generic Drugs: IP & FDA Law (IP Law Elective) | 1 |
Total | 11 |
Summer 2006
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 191 | Copyright Law | 3 |
Total | 3 |
Fall 2006
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 172 | Business Associations | 4 |
LAW 222 | Evidence and Trial Procedure | 3 |
LAW 327 | Trademark Law | 3 |
LAW 380 | Design Patent Law (IP Law Elective) | 1 |
Total | 11 |
Spring 2007
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 264 | Legal and Economic Theory of Intellectual Property Seminar | 2 |
LAW 347 | Trade Secrets Law | 1 |
LAW 156 | Antitrust | 3 |
LAW 438 | Patent Litigation and Dispute Resolution Seminar | 2 |
LAW 418 | Multinational Intellectual Property and Policy Seminar | 2 |
LAW 437 | Federal Circuit Practice Seminar (IP Law Elective) | 2 |
Total | 12 |
Summer 2007
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 298 | Professional Responsibility | 2 |
Total | 2 |
Fall 2007
Course No. | Class Description | Credits |
LAW 286 | Patent and Know-how Licensing Seminar (W) | 2 |
LAW 181 | Communications Law (1 cr IP Law Elective)(2 cr General Law Elective) | 3 |
LAW 406 | National Security Law Seminar (General Law Elective) | 2 |
LAW 243 | Privacy & Information Security (General Law Elective) | 2 |
Total | 9 |
Total credits upon graduation | 85 |
Graduation degree:
Juris Doctor, Intellectual Property Law Track